

Spa Lipka Evolution of Engineering Party

I just found that I slowly become elderly lazy IT guy, so it is time to not run around and speak but it is better if people are coming to me. 🙂

What is this about?


Looking on kernel panic 🙂

When we moved to the foothills of the Beskidy Mountains, why should be here alone? I know that lot of people from the IT industry are happy for any diversion away from the PC. But how to combine IT and relax? That answer is S.L.E.E.P. Just come, come by car, bike or by plane (it depends on your financial and physical options) and we can establish a theme to resolve. There are lot of IT themes to discuss. 

The goal is also to connect team (s) of people who previously did not know about themselves, but after a mutual acquaintance together can form new things. Surely you know that some people can code, but they can not create hardware. Others can create hardware  but can not code something. S.L.E.E.P is place to connect them all.


Kernel in action. Who is better? 🙂

How it works?

It’s simple. All you need is to find your topic in the current S.L.E.E.P sessions or ask for your session.

while true; do
  sleep 1;
while () fork();
cat /dev/zero >/dev/null

What does it mean, „RELAX“?

We can offer nice place in Beskidy mountain, small restaurant alias training center and spa.

Is it possible to sleep before or after S.L.E.E.P?

Of course. There are two apartments available.

How to attend?

You can register at skoleni@macura.cz.

How to pay?

As you wish. We accept even Bitcoins 🙂

Calendar of events